How I Stayed Blissful During the Holidays
The winter holidays are here, a time that can be joyful and filled with warm family gatherings. But, it can also to be stressful, sad or lonely when dealing with the loss of a love one.
I chose to nurture the memories of my loved ones who passed away, but instead of turning inward and getting lost in those thoughts. I also think about how to turn outward and help others who can use my help. That means giving...
The most important thing to me is to make other people happy by giving them attention, listening to them, showing affection, appreciation, and acceptance. This is because I know that my happiness depends on the happiness of others. I can’t exist without others. It’s impossible, everything that I am is a web of relationships. Focusing on the needs of others, is the key.
Finally, I am aware that my mental health is connected to my physical health, so I am careful not to binge on foods or drinks at the holiday table. Drinking beer is not going to help with my loss or my waistline. I will eat natural foods and stay away from refined, processed food with unwanted hormones.
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